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with a literacy and language specialist SLP
We strive to equip young readers with the skills and confidence to navigate life's challenges and thrive.
An 8-week course that meets in person with a bonus on Week 9 where we party. The majority of the class time is spent outdoors.
Flexible on age, welcoming students based on their developmental stage and reading level, rather than strict age limits.
Fullerton, CA
The specific location will be announced to enrolled students.
09/13/24 ~ 11/08/24
Every Friday at 3:45 to 5:45 pm
Extended care is available. Contact for deatils.
Every voice is valued. Our discussions encourage children to express themselves comfortably while exploring timeless classical stories.
Our weekly self-discovery journal transforms writing from a task into a fun activity. Our presentation time transforms public speaking from a daunting experience into an enjoyable activity, boosting confidence and communication skills.
Literacy meets creativity - an opportunity to engage with books in imaginative ways that reflect their unique perspectives.
Over 50 pages: complimentary, simple, and effective worksheets to boost literacy development.
Our main focus revolves around helping children comfortably navigate their 'Comfort Zone' and gently venture into their 'Growth Zone' at their own pace. Our book club features a unique theme each term, designed to celebrate the strengths of diverse needs. Parents are welcome to inquire about specific needs, which will be considered based on demand and necessity, ensuring every participant enjoys a tailored and enriching experience.
Expressing thoughts clearly and seeking help when needed
Recognizing self-worth and discovering values
Navigating conflicts and forming relationships that last
Create an account, log in, and purchase the course.
Go to your dashboard. Fill out the Literacy Screening Form before class begins.
Read the assigned reading, come to class, and have fun.
This term is all about cooking and writing recipes.
Get on the waitlist and become a recipe star!